GIC puts an extra effort on quality and achieves that with review procedure.
Please fill this form really through, reading and following the descriptions of fields. The most common problems are already listed there to avoid. The proposals that are too brief are not possible to be appropriately reviewed and have to be returned to speakers to revise and resubmit. At GIC23 this was over 50% proposals!
The crucial fields are Description, Takeaway, and Vertical slice. Please ensure that these are the following requirements, are complete, and each provides proper not repeating part of the information.


Speaker info

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Your full name This information will be publicly visible.
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We will send you your profile password here, so make sure it's valid! This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
Use enter for new lines.
Please describe what makes you a speaker entitled to talk on that subject. The practical experience like game titles you worked on are most important, then companies you were with and other experience. [semi-public] Parts of this might be used to create speaker description. This information will be used by organizers to create your short bio.
Use enter for new lines.
Up to 3 most important conferences and titles of your talks there.
There is no need to fill past GIC talks. These are in the system, with review and audience scores, visible to you and the reviewers. This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
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Will be used only in case we have to contact you during the conference This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
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Country of residence This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.

230x230 pixels minimally This information will be publicly visible.

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Describe your current position, eg. AI Developer, Assistant Professor, Indie Developer etc. This information will be publicly visible.
(optional)     No new lines allowed.
Your company or informal indie team This information will be publicly visible.
(optional)     No new lines allowed.
Fill if you are currently a teacher, researcher or student, and want to have university affiliation added. This information will be publicly visible.
(optional)     No new lines allowed.
Your twitter handle to promote you This information will be publicly visible.
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Your linkedin account link This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.

Talk info

From our previous experience, submissions done by assistants or PR agencies do not meet our standards. The GIC is strongly knowledge-based, and good submission and review processes rely on the speaker themself. This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
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The title of your talk This information will be publicly visible.
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Visible to the participants - making them pick lectures in constant #FOMO. It should exhaustively describe the talk's contents rather than the justification for it, which game industry professionals usually already know. There is no need to repeat speaker information here. This information will be publicly visible.
Use enter for new lines.
List the agenda. This is NOT a list of slides. This is the list of topics covered - numbered list works great for that. Keep it concise. This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
Use enter for new lines.
What knowledge and/or skills audience will learn? What actual cases, i.e., companies or games will be analyzed? Where it will be usable in game developers everydays work? This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
Use enter for new lines.
Write the most essential and nontrivial knowledge you want to share here (e.g. contents of your most powerful slide). Do not write, `I will tell you how to prepare the best steak,` but `You will prepare the best steak by frying the meat for 3 minutes on each side`. This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
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List all the groups that should benefit from this talk, preferably with seniority levels, e.g., regular+ programmers or producers from junior to regular levels. This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
(optional)     No new lines allowed.
If you have some materials ready for the talk (draft, presentation plan, slides, etc...) or would like to extend the descrription with such material, upload it here (or paste a link to these). If older slides exist that will be revised, these are helpful too. This will greatly help the boards to asses your talk. This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
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Provide three to six tags you would use to search for your lecture on youtube. Tab or enter inputs a tag. This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
Talks in English are strongly preferred. The only reasons to submit a talk in Polish should be: basic talk for student audience, talk focused on local topics, talk would lose important quality when done in English. This information will be publicly visible.
Please choose modal length options if possible, as these allow us to shape the program of the conference better. This information will be publicly visible.
beginner: requiring no knowledge on entry and allowing all kind of audience to follow;
intermediate: for an audience with some experience and having at least parts that might be difficult to follow for beginners;
advanced: for an audience with good knowledge in the track of the talk and offering them nontrivial takeaways in the presented topic. This information will be publicly visible.
Please provide a self-assessment of what makes this talk more advanced. There are approaches we have experienced working this way, ready to choose from, if any describes your talk well, or you can provide your own explanation. This information will be publicly visible.
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Do you want your talk to be recorded, streamed and posted on youtube?Note that we prefere talks that will be recorded and blockingrecording excludes you from Best Talk Awards. This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.
(optional)     No new lines allowed.
Let us know if there's any additional information we should consider, eg. due to travel limitations, you can only present on a given day. As the speaker's panel allows you to log in you might as well edit this information later on. This information will be visible only for organizers and reviewers.